District Chairperson

Mr. Kigayi Hosea Kimono

Governor / District Chairperson.

Development is neither a result of miracles nor acquiring initial capital, but Unity of the status is for a purpose. Unity is of paramount importance and I am calling upon the people of Manafwa to unit and join hands in developing our young district – Manafwa.

As a District, we are dedicated on Service delivery.  The council is united; there is political and Administrative harmony within .Technical staffs have been put in place and are showing a will to work for development, if our dream is realized, Manafwa will have been transformed, Under programmes like DDEG, OWC, UWEP,YLP the gaps in the district will be covered.

As leaders, we should desist from dividing ourselves, especially now that the season of politics and elections is coming. Let us put our differences aside and work for our district Manafwa because it belongs to our children and us, dividing ourselves is destructive and it hinders developments.

As a political leader, I am concerned about the Developments and Implementation of Government programmes like, Accessible Health Facilities, Standard Education and good Performance at primary, post Primary and Tertiary/Universal level, Safe water for the Community, good Infrastructure, Climate change through Sustainable Environmental Management, continue with the implementation of Government programmes for community empowerment, and completion of the District headquarters.

Water coverage in Manafwa District is now at 69%.  The District plans to use the government conditional grant which is sent by the Centre every financial year to increase boreholes, spring wells and water harvesting tanks. Under the water sector, through Lirima Gravity Flow Scheme (GFS), the district has asked the government to increase on the connection to cover more than three quarters of the district as planned before by the government, especially in the water stressed southern part of the District.

Manafwa is an Agro based district, under the Production sector and through Modernization of Agriculture, the key point is to raise household income as a way to fight poverty, by encouraging and forming farmer groups to join SACCOs. The chairperson’s vision is- “if a common person is empowered, then there will be no problem”.

The opening of feeder roads is on course .It is therefore ardent for us the people of Manafwa, stake holders and development partners to carry forth our obligation of ensuring that the district’s vision “A knowledgeable citizenry, Health populace and Harmonious People by 2035” is realized.

Education is the chairperson’s priority, within 2-3 years; the standard of education within schools will be improved by looking at classroom – pupil- teacher ratio, and staffing.

Under environment, the district is looking at improving river bank management, water shades, afforestation, Agro-forestry, Re-forestry for both commercial and home use purposes.

We appreciate the efforts Government and Partners who have supported us to spear head development in our district. I extend my since gratitude and call upon us the people of Manafwa, stake holders and development partners to carry forth our obligation of achieving the district’ Vision of “Knowledgeable Citizenry, Health Populace and Harmonious People by 2035”