Population & Culture
In 1991, the national population census estimated the district population at 178,500 before trancation. The national census of 2002 estimated the population at 262,600 inhabitants. In 2012, the population was estimated at 367,500. However, with the division of the district, it remains with a population of 175,079 (UNPHC 2014).
General information about the District
Latitude |
340E & 350E |
Longitude |
000 & 450N |
Average Altitude |
1,800M |
Total Surface Area |
231 square metres |
Land Area |
Area under open water: |
Temperature |
Rainfall |
1,500 mm per annum |
Demographic and Socio-economic Indicators
Total Population: |
175,079 |
Female population (2014 census): |
89,308 |
Male population: (2014 census): |
85,771 |
Percentage of total population that is male: |
49.0 |
Percentage of population that is female: |
51.0 |
Sex ratio -Males per 100 females (2014 census) |
96.0 |
Percentage urban (2014 Census) |
14.3 |
Percentage rural (2014 Census) |
85.7 |
Population by age groups |
Number |
Percent |
Population aged 0-17 years |
99,165 |
56.8 |
Population aged 18-30 years |
32,755 |
18.8 |
Population aged 31-59 years |
33,114 |
19 |
Population aged 60 and above |
9,510 |
5.4 |
Households |
Average Household size |
4.8 |
Total households |
36,343 |
Total households headed by males |
29,682 |
81.7 |
Total households headed by females |
6,661 |
18.3 |
Households headed by childeren (aged 10-17) |
114 |
0.3 |
Households headed by youths (18-30) |
8,102 |
22.3 |
Households headed by older persons (aged 60 and above) |
9,510 |
20.8 |
Primary school Access |
Households that are 5km or more to the nearest primary school , whether public or private |
2,493 |
6.9 |
Households that are 5km or more to the nearest public primary school |
3,875 |
10.7 |
Secondary school Access |
Households that are 5 km or more to the nearest secondary school, whether public or private |
10,484 |
28.8 |
Households that are 5 km or more to the nearest public secondary school |
15,089 |
41.5 |
Health Facility Access |
Households that are 5km or more to the nearest heath facility, whether public or private |
7,080 |
19.5 |
Households that are 5km or more to the nearest public health facility |
12,736 |
35 |
Police Post Access |
Households that are 5 km or more to the nearest police post/police station |
9,145 |
25.2 |
Health Indicator |
District |
National |
Population Density per square kilometer (UHPHC 2014) |
661 |
Fertility Rate |
7.2 |
8 |
Average House hold size |
8 |
5 |
Growth rate (%) (UHPHC 2014) |
2.5 |
3.2 |
Infant Mortality Rate per 1,000 |
46 |
130 |
Maternal Mortality Rate per 100,000 |
186 |
435 |
Total Fertility Rate (%) |
6 |
6.5 |
<5 mortality rate per 1000 |
134 |
137 |