Political and Administrative Structure

Manafwa District is made up of 01 county (Bubulo West), 18 rural Sub-counties, 04 Town Councils with 03 traditional divisions of grater Buwagogo, greater Bugobero and greater Butiru. The District constitutes of 81 parishes and 862 village councils and Town Boards namely: Masaka, and Butiru.

The District Council is the highest Political authority in the district, with 30 members under the headship of the District Chairperson. It has a technical team headed by the Chief Administrative Officer, distributed in 10 departments. Each of the departments has a head and under every department, there are a number of Sectors

Planning in the District is carried out using a sector wide approach in order to develop a comprehensive Plan/Budget that acts as a road map for expenditure and revenues (both development and recurrent) in the efforts of eradicating poverty by aiming at achieving its mission and vision.

The Sectoral Committees include:

  • Finance, Administration, Investment, Information and General Purpose
  • Community Development (Gender, Labour, Youth, Children, Elderly and Disabled)
  • Education, Sports, Health, Sanitation and Security.
  • Production (Agriculture, Veterinary, Fisheries, Forestry, Environment, Marketing and Industry
  • Works, Water, Land, Urban and Regional Planning.

Statutory Bodies There are also statutory bodies, which are mandated by law to carry out specific roles and responsibilities to ensure effective and efficient service delivery. These include:

  • District Contracts Committee
  • District Public Accounts Committee
  • District Service Commission
  • District Land Board

A Contracts Committee comprising of appointed Technical Officers replaced the District Tender Board according to the Local Governments Amendment Act 2006.

Office of the Resident District Commissioner
It represents the President in the District and ensures that both national and local priorities are given due consideration and are implemented in an accountable manner.

Lower Local Governments
Sub counties, Parishes/Wards and villages/Cells have councils and executive committees, which coordinate the various functions.